Is your Management Information Relevant

Is your Management Information Relevant to you? Do you find yourself looking at reports which don’t help you make decisions? Is the really valuable information hidden in the depths of the reports? Changes over time As the competitive environment the business operates in changes over time, the focus of your management reporting needs to change […]
How to filter in Excel

Filters are a powerful tool in Excel that can help you quickly organize and analyze large data sets. With filters, you can easily find the information you need without having to manually search through thousands of rows of data. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to filter in Excel so that you can take […]
Data Warehouse Integration Benefits

Integrating systems with a data warehouse can be a powerful way to get a comprehensive view of your data and make better business decisions. A data warehouse is a central repository that allows you to store and analyse large amounts of data from a variety of sources. By integrating your systems with the data warehouse, […]
Is your Management Information Accurate?

Is your Management Information accurate? Do you wonder if the reports you’re getting are accurate? Or do you find yourself questioning whether the data you’re seeing is really reflecting reality? In either case, it’s important to have a single version of the truth – and to make sure that the reports and data you’re using […]
Remove Carriage Returns in SQL Server SSMS

How to Remove Carriage Returns in SQL Server Management Studio? It is a fairly common task, a lot of people manually select and remove carriage returns and new lines, which can take time and is error prone But you can use find and replace functionality built into SSMS to make the task more efficient This step […]
How to create Pivot Tables in Excel

This quick guide shows you how to create pivot tables in Excel What is a Pivot Table? Pivot tables are an incredibly powerful tool in Microsoft Excel, providing a dynamic and intuitive way to analyse, summarize, and manipulate large amounts of data. By using a drag-and-drop interface, users can quickly and easily create summaries from […]
Which Data Warehouse is best for you?

There are always a few key factors to consider when deciding which data warehouse is the correct one We always start with those options that fit best with the technologies and skills you already have in place. Having readily available data is really valuable and helps to simplify implementation and can help build confidence within […]
How to sort dates in Power BI

Working with dates can sometimes be a little challenging, this quick guide shows you how to sort dates in Power BI Its not always obvious how to do simple things like sort months in calendar or chronological order Here we show some simple tips using a date dimension table If you want to know how […]
Is your Management Information fast enough?

Do you get your management information fast enough? Are you left waiting for answers and have to use ‘gut feel’ All too often we see frustrated directors, owners, managers and other senior leaders. Frustrated by slow, out of date business performance reporting. Is this you? read on to find out Can your team answer new […]
How to show line numbers in SQL Server Management Studio

Using Line Numbers in SQL (SSMS) Showing line numbers in SQL Server Management Studio is a simple tip that can really help users to quickly debug and find their away around large SQL scripts Why use line numbers in SQL Server? The primary benefits from enabling line numbers in SQL Server Management Studio are Finding […]