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Looker Studio

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Looker Data Studio

Looker Studio Overview

Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio) is a free, cloud-based business intelligence and data visualization tool from Google. It is part of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) ecosystem, although it remains accessible as a standalone tool for anyone with a Google account. It integrates seamlessly with GCP services, such as BigQuery, Google Analytics, and Google Ads, making it a natural choice for users already leveraging Google Cloud tools for data storage, processing, or analysis.

The platform allows users to connect to a wide variety of data sources, including Google Analytics, BigQuery, Google Ads, Google Sheets, SQL databases, and third-party platforms. The platform enables users to create interactive dashboards, reports, and visualizations that are fully customizable and easy to share with others.

Looker Studio Overview

Looker Studio allows users to connect to various data sources, including Google Analytics, BigQuery, Google Ads, Google Sheets, SQL databases, and third-party platforms. Users can create interactive dashboards, reports, and visualizations that are customizable and easy to share.

The platform is fully web-based, so no installation or local software is needed. You access it through a browser, where all data connections, reports, and visualizations are managed in the cloud.

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What are the components and architecture of Looker Studio?

Looker Studio is a business intelligence suite that brings together various technologies. Looker Studio architecture consists of these components

Data Connections:

It supports both Google and non-Google data sources, allowing users to pull data from multiple platforms.

Interactive Dashboards:

Users can create dynamic dashboards with filters, drill-down options, and data interactions to explore and present data in real time.

Customisable Reports:

Offers flexibility in designing layouts, applying themes, and using various chart types (bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, tables, etc.).

Collaboration and Sharing:

Teams can collaborate on reports, and the reports can be shared or embedded in websites.

Automated Updates

Data is updated in real-time or on a scheduled basis, ensuring that reports reflect the most current data.

Ease of Use:

With its drag-and-drop interface, Looker Studio is user-friendly, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users.

Overview of a typical Looker Studio Project

Project Setup

  • Data Source Connection: The project begins by connecting to one or more data sources. This could include Google services like Google Analytics, Google Ads, or BigQuery, as well as third-party platforms.
  • Data Preparation: Once connected, the data may need to be cleaned, transformed, or blended to create the desired dataset for analysis.

    Report Creation

    • Dashboard Design: The core of the project involves creating a dashboard. This includes:
      • Designing the layout
      • Adding charts, tables, and other visualizations
      • Incorporating filters for interactivity
    • Visualization Development: Various types of charts are typically used, such as donut charts, line charts, and bar charts, to represent different aspects of the data

Looker vs Looker Studio

Looker is an enterprise-grade business intelligence (BI) and data analytics platform that Google acquired in 2019. It is also part of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Unlike Looker Studio, which is a free, user-friendly data visualization tool, Looker is designed for more complex data modelling and in-depth analytics. It targets enterprise users who need advanced capabilities to explore and analyse data across their organization.

Looker is intended for advanced users who need powerful data modelling and enterprise-level BI capabilities. You can learn more about Looker here.

Looker is primarily cloud-based, designed to work within the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) ecosystem butt offers more deployment flexibility than Looker Studio.

    • Cloud-hosted: Most Looker deployments are hosted in the cloud, either through Looker’s managed services or via cloud infrastructure such as Google Cloud, AWS, or Azure.
    • On-premises deployment: Looker can also be deployed on-premises, suitable for organizations that must keep their data in-house due to security, regulatory, or infrastructure requirements. This option provides more control over the environment but adds complexity in terms of setup and maintenance.

Looker Studio Cost

Looker Studio is a free tool.

The cost of Looker is not publicly listed with fixed pricing, as it varies depending on the specific needs and scale of the business. Pricing is generally customized based on several factors:

  1. Number of users: Looker charges based on the number of users, and this includes different pricing tiers for different user roles (e.g., viewer, developer, or admin).

  2. Data volume and infrastructure: The amount of data processed and the infrastructure required to support the analytics needs can impact pricing.

  3. Deployment size and complexity: Whether Looker is used for a small team or deployed across an entire enterprise affects the cost.

  4. Additional features: Advanced features, custom integrations, and higher levels of support or training may increase the cost.

Looker typically offers customized quotes based on these factors and suggests a discussion with their sales team to determine pricing specific to the organization’s use case.



Looker Studio is a cloud-based business intelligence and data visualization platform from Google, designed to help users transform complex data into interactive and visually appealing reports and dashboards. It allows seamless integration with over 800 data sources, including Google services like BigQuery and Google Analytics, as well as various third-party platforms.

Looker Studio

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