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Is your Management Information fast enough?

Business man looking at his watch sitting in front of a laptop

Do you get your management information fast enough?

Are you left waiting for answers and have to use ‘gut feel’

All too often we see frustrated directors, owners, managers and other senior leaders. Frustrated by slow, out of date business performance reporting.

Is this you? read on to find out

Can your team answer new questions quickly enough for you to make good decisions?

Timeliness is one of the most important aspects of management information, that information needs to be available in time for it to be acted upon.

Getting the perfect report too late is not enough, the window of opportunity to act can pass quickly

What causes these delays?

Here are the questions you need to ask

Do the people creating your management information have an adequate understanding of the business?
Do your people have adequate skills to answer the questions?
Is there available capacity to answer the questions?

Is the data your analysts need readily available and well organised?
Is the reporting prioritisation effective to meet deadlines?
Are those processes efficient, reliable, and well monitored?

Technology is rarely the cause of these issues, it more likely to be an inefficient use of the technology deployed

If you think your management information could be FASTER follow my posts as I share more questions to ask of your management information

Timeliness, Accuracy, People, Processes, Technology, and much more

Is yours FAST enough?

Management Information should be Future Ready, Available, Simplified and Trusted
Management Information should be Future Ready, Available, Simplified and Trusted

We help you get to the information you need fast, whether its when you are in front of a computer, looking at your business on a tablet or checking your business performance on your mobile whilst you are away from the office

Our results based focus and proven industry track record helps you get to the information you need FAST

Find Out More

Contact Us – Select Distinct

Or learn about our management information health check service, thishelps you answer these questions and quickly get your management information up to speed

Management Information Health check

By Simon Harrison

Simon Harrison Founder of Select Distinct Limited and a business intelligence expert