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CASE statements in SQL

Case statements in SQL

What are Case Statements in SQL

Case statements are a very powerful tool for an analyst

Allowing you to add your own dynamic data classification, cleanse and structure data

In SQL, CASE statements allow you to check for various conditions and return a value if a condition is met.

CASE statements always begin with the CASE keyword and end with the END keyword.

A little bit like having multiple, nested IF statements

If no conditions are true a default value can be used to always return a last resort value

CASE statement syntax and example

Assume we have a list of retail stores of various sizes, but we want to grade them based on their sizes


Large = greater than 50,000 sqft

Medium = 25,000 to 50,000 sqft

Small = less than 25,000 sqft

A list of retail stores showing sizes

From this data, we will apply this case statement

SELECT Name, squarefeet

, case

when squarefeet < 25000 then ‘Small’

when squarefeet < 50000 then ‘Medium’

else ‘Large’ end as [Store Size Grade]

  FROM [AdventureWorks2019].[Sales].[vStoreWithDemographics]

Running this gives us

A list of stores with their sizes graded using a SQL CASE statement


when squarefeet < 25000 then ‘Small’

when squarefeet < 50000 then ‘Medium’

else ‘Large’

end as [Store Size Grade]

Key points to note

It is often easier to read if the rules (the rows beginning ‘when’) are on a separate row and indented

The case statement applies the first rule that is satisfied in the order they appear

Note the final ‘Large’ rule doesn’t need a greater than 50,000 rule, because it is the remaining records, making it easier to read

You are not limited to setting rules against a single column

you could use a combination of columns, or even nest a case statement within a case statement like this example

Typical uses for the CASE statement

The SQL CASE statement can be used within other  types of statement such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and SET, and in clauses such as IN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and HAVING.

Here are some other use cases for the SQL CASE statement:

  • Checking for the presence or absence of a value e.g. PASS / FAIL grades for data quality
  • Prevention of divide by zero errors in calculations
  • Creating groupings and binning
  • Splitting values into separate columns

The CASE statement in SQL can be put to use in many powerful ways

creating useful groupings, calculating outputs based on a number of variables, transforming data, transposing data

Getting started is easy and with some imagination and practice you will no doubt find CASE statements to be one of the most powerful and flexible tools in your SQL toolbox

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By Simon Harrison

Simon Harrison Founder of Select Distinct Limited and a business intelligence expert