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Is your Management Information always available

Is your management information always available?

Is your Management Information always available when you need it?

Do you have access to the information you need at the right time?

Do you have to wait and miss opportunities?

Improving the availability of your management information helps your decision makers by having the information they need at their fingertips, enabling them to make informed decisions

Imagine being in a meeting and rather than relying on memory or gut feeling, you could bring up the relevant information with a few clicks on your phone

If your report creators had access to the data they needed to provide you with insights you would have more time to act on those insights. No longer waiting ages for the new report to be created, because your team can get on

Taking advantage of the latest technology, your management information can be always available using secure, cloud-based technology

And its not just one platform that offers this, today you are spoilt for choice, with cloud databases, and BI tools or even good old Excel, all available on cloud

A common barrier I have seen is where the company has the data, It is held securely by the IT department, but they don’t give anyone access due to a misguided fear of how it may be used incorrectly ??? So it just sits there costing money instead of being an asset capable of delivering tremendous value

What if that data was made available to the people who can use it to make informed decisions?

What if it is not made available?

Questions to ask


Do your people deliver reports to you, or email you spreadsheets just before the end of day?

Do they complain about not having the data?

Are your report creators able to turn around new reports quickly?


Do you use exception based reporting? with triggers and alerts automatically delivering reports at the time they are needed

Do you have a solid core of automated business reports that don’t require an army of people to create them?

Where to start?

Making your reporting available need not be a huge undertaking, and you are very likely to already have the technology in place, its more a question of how you are using it

Start small with the most important information, automate your report delivery for key weekly reports and free up time for the report creators

Take people out of the process as much as possible. Look for as much automation of the donkey work as possible. Let your people do the interesting value adding work

Build on successes, steadily add to the automation and expand the reporting assets using the time you have freed up

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Management Information Health check

If you think your management information could be better  get in touch and lets find ways to make what you need

Timeliness, Accuracy, People, Processes, Technology, and much more

By Simon Harrison

Simon Harrison Founder of Select Distinct Limited and a business intelligence expert